Instructions for all future practical hypnosis sessions (scripted)

Follow this sequence each time you practice

Read, listen, practice.

From this point in time, the practical sessions are sectioned so that each time there is a new or additional element, it will be explained in detail.

  • Print out the Hypnosis scripts (which you will find in the resources section)
  • Each Practical Session is structured to make it easy to understand
  • Read through practical session once and you will see that all the others are structured in the same way.

Read the description of the session

Each element of the scripts is broken down in detail, including a description of the type of person who will best respond to this variation. The format of these practice sessions remains consistent to make it easier to learn.

Start from your clients viewpoint...

Find a time and a space where you can be undisturbed, close your eyes and listen to the audio.

You will be prompted to listen to the session as if you were the client, allowing you to experience what your subject will experience, and understand the process. Don't worry if you do not consciously hear every word. It is more important for you to have the experience than to try to listen too hard.

Next, select the page numbers from your script book as instructed

On these pages you will find the script which you have just listened to. Read them through.

Now find a volunteer

Make sure you are in a suitable environment before starting.

Conduct the pre-induction session

Reassurances and explainations, and asking the specific questions which you have already been given if you feel you want to include them at this stage.

You can, when confident, start to create positive and ego-strengthening suggestions from them. Asking what they do to relax to establish their VAK is also useful, even though you wont use in training to select the best one for them as you are practicing specific scripts with your volunteers for now.

Getting into the habit of asking the questions really helps you to pay attention to your client and build rapport.

Conduct the session

Make sure you keep looking at your subject as you do.

Take feedback

These practice sessions are the only time you will be able to ask about your own performance. Take note of what is said. Remember that your friends and family know your voice and may find it odd or amusing when you start the hypnosis. Don't take it personally.

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