Hypnotherapy Audios: How to use them to learn, remember and retain course material

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Hypnotherapy Audios: How to use them to learn, remember and retain course material

Hypnotherapy audios are integral to the learning on this course.

Periodically, you will be prompted to just relax and listen to different hypnotherapy audios.

Some of them are examples of scripts which you will use for your study as you practice with partners, while others are there to help you develop your skills as a hypnotherapy practitioner.

Topics include:

  • Confidence
  • Focus
  • Relaxation
  • Professional goal-focus
  • Work-life balance
  • Dealing with difficult people

The transcripts of these personal development hypnotherapy audios will also be available as PDFs for you adapt for clients in future.

Taking the time to listen to the audios will also help you understand how to modulate your own voice (explained fully in later modules), as well as the importance of being relaxed yourself when working with other people.

Additionally, by regularly entering a hypnotic state yourself you will appreciate how your clients feel when in hypnosis.

Finally, don't underestimate how enjoyable an experience it is to be in hypnosis. As you progress through the course you will gain more and more benefit yourself, as you grow in confidence with your practice.

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