Course details

This course will teach you how to conduct online consultations and facilitate Mind-Massage sessions for your patients.

Introduction to working therapeutically online

Comparison to in-clinic consultation pros/cons

Client safety; ethical practice and legal considerations

Practical considerations – working from home/non-professional environments

How to set up your technology for professional use

Online booking systems

Structure of an online therapy session

This course is equivalent to two study days (approx. 15 hours) and includes 2 live online Zoom lectures.

With more and more therapists having to work online, it is important that clients feel totally comfortable with the virtual therapy environment.

It is also important that the therapist feels confident in being able to conduct sessions safely and ethically online.

This course provides everything the online therapist needs, including booking systems, the online therapy setup and technology and how to conduct online therapy sessions.

As a SPECIAL BONUS the course will teach you how to conduct relaxing Mind-Massage sessions to promote health and well-being for clients.

This course is closed for enrollment.